A Test of Israel’s Guardians: Address at Recent Israel Bonds Dinner By Beverly Sandler, To Protect Our Heritage Board Member

A Test of Israel’s Guardians: Address at Recent Israel Bonds Dinner By Beverly Sandler, To Protect Our Heritage Board Member

We are all vessels – we do things not to be recognized but to be used as G-d’s partners in creating a better world. We are an ancient people who has an ancient belief that every human being is created in G-ds’ image and that every one of us has a spark of the divine. We believe we were given that spark to do good in the world. After having risen out of the inferno of the Holocaust, taking in refugees from all over the world, Israel is the world’s finest example of that spark.
Through the widely held concept of Tikkun Olam, which has been interpreted today as healing or repairing the world, Maimonides tells us, there is another meaning to tikkun olam, which is the authorization of doing whatever is necessary, “according to the needs of the time”— in order to preserve the security of society from those who seek to destroy it.

In the coming months and years Israel will be tested as never before. As the guardians of Israel we will also be tested. Not just will we stand up but how will we stand up?

One of the ways to be Israel’s partner is to extinguish the poisonous lies that our enemies are propagating. There are 3 great lies.
Lie #1. The most heinous – The denial of the Holocaust.
Lie #2. That Israel is the aggressor, when it is Israel that has made consistent concessions and painful compromises for peace.
Lie #3. That Israel is a foreign occupier.

Israel is an ancient land, the land of our forefathers; the land of our past and the land of our future.
We Jews have wanted so much to just “be”. To just be a normal people. In America, just like Israel, we freedom lovers just want a better world. After the Holocaust instead of being obsessed with retribution, the survivors like my father just wanted to live life in the most positive way possible; creating families and fostering an atmosphere for the sacredness of life and of a peaceful world. As a result, the lesson of the Holocaust became teaching tolerance, acceptance and diversity. But Israel’s enemies will not allow us to just be.  So it is our enormous responsibility to stand up, speak out and do more. We know that all it takes for evil to prevail is for evil to be unopposed.

One of the greatest challenges of supporting Israel is how to effectively go about it. Between Iranian nuclear ambitions and Muslim anti-semitism we are often consumed by what we in America can do.

I agreed to be honored tonight because I believe all of us should be financially invested in the State of Israel. Israeli citizens are on the frontlines in the battle for defending and building the country, but as Jewish and Christian Americans, we can create a partnership by investing in this Holy Land. Israel needs us and we need Israel. G-d said to Abraham – “Lech Lecha – Go – I need you – I need to use you” – and Abraham became a blessing for allowing himself to be used.

As a business woman, Israel Bonds are as solid an investment as you can find. Had we all had our money in Israel Bonds 2 years ago when the economy tumbled, no one would have lost a dime.

A dear friend told me that growing up his grandparents never bought him gifts, they only gave him Israel Bonds. Many kids might think it’s not as much fun – but having those pieces of paper which said “Israel” and “dollar signs”, and knowing as a young boy that he was helping build Israel, BONDED him with Israel. He even became a rabbi…

Among Israel’s greatest blessings are our Christian Brothers and Sisters that are here with us tonight. It is with great pride that we welcome you and thank you for being Israel’s best friends. Interestingly enough – it is when I spend time with religious Jews and Bible-based Christians that I feel G-d’s presence the most. Your generosity and support in these difficult times for Israel means the world to us. G-d said to Abraham: I will bless you and you will be a blessing. Your role in supporting Israel cannot be overstated enough because it is Christians that will define the U.S. support for Israel. It is men like the Pastor John Hagee, like Congressman Mike Pence from here in Indiana, men like Pastor David Allen Jordan and the wonderful people here from Family Christian Center… and men like Pastor Bassam Abdullah, a Christian born in Jerusalem…it is your faith and your support we treasure. Jews are 2% of the U.S. population and 1.57% of the voting population. We are simply not large enough to do what you can do. Your love for Israel is our greatest gift…

It was Harry Truman who said: I believe Israel has a glorious future before it – not just as another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization.

G-d Bless America and G-d Bless Israel.