What Does the United States Get from its Relationship with Israel?

What Does the United States Get from its Relationship with Israel?

What Does the United States Get from its Relationship with Israel?
(Adapted from Unity Coalition for Israel        
June 7, 2011)

“Israel’s contribution to US military intelligence is greater than all NATO countries combined.”General Keegan, former chief of US Air Force Intelligence, asserted that “the scope of intelligence gained by the US from Israel is equal to five CIAs.”  — Senator Daniel Inouye

US special operations forces are trained in Israel in battle tactics and counter-terrorism experience.Israeli experience played a role in defeating terrorists in Iraq’s “Sunni Triangle.” –Brig. General Michael Vane
Israel’s destruction of a nuclear factory in Syria in 2007 and Iraq in 1981dealt serious deterrence to the anti-Western Syria-Iran-North Korea axis.

By destroying Soviet surface to air missiles in 1982, Israel was able to share information on tactics and technological information vital to the US military and
defense industries. During the Cold War, Israel transferred to the US captured Soviet combat aircraft, radar and other military systems

Israel saved the Kingdom of Jordan from being invaded and taken over by Syria’s Assad regime in 1970, avoiding a dramatic setback to US national security.

“Israel is the largest, most battle-tested and cost-effective US aircraft carrier, which does not require even one American soldier, cannot be sunk and is located in a critical region for American national security and economic interests. If Israel did not exist – the US would have to deploy a few additional aircraft carriers to the  Mediterranean, along with tens of thousands of military personnel, costing the US taxpayers $20BN annually and dragging the US into additional regional and international confrontations.” — the late General Alexander Haig, who was the Supreme Commander of NATO and US Secretary of State

Israel’s purchases and deployment of new military technologies and systems, some of which are jointly developed, contribute to US national security, employment, research & development and exports to other allies. In addition, Israel is a battle-proven laboratory.

Israel’s high tech industries and US subsidiaries have been instrumental in
revolutionizing computing, telecommunication, medicine, nanotechnology, energy and water efficiencies that contributed to the booms of the 1990s and 2000s in the US.

The people of the United States identify the Jewish State with their own values: faith, religion, tradition, patriotism, democracy, liberty, military and counter-terrorism, while suspecting Arabs and opposing the UN.

A February 2011, Gallup poll ranked Israel (68%) among the seven most popular countries (The Palestinian Authority (19%) was at the bottom of the list, along with Iran and North Korea.)
On Capitol Hill, Israel enjoys overwhelming, if rare bi-partisan support: House Members (about 75%) and Senators (about 80%) – who are extremely sensitive to the worldview of constituents – even in opposition to the President.